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motion design

by TomBKN

I'm Tom, a passionate artist and designer specializing in Generative Art and Audiovisualizations.

Welcome to New Atmospheres Through Design

Touchdesigner - Cinema 4D - Unreal Engine 5 - After Effects

The process begins with the conception of unique environments, where every detail from color schemes to spatial arrangements plays a crucial role in setting the desired emotional tone. These custom spaces serve as the canvas upon which the magic of animation unfolds.

Through the manipulation of movement, lighting, and sound, animations breathe life into these static realms, opening portals to unexplored dimensions. Whether it's a whimsical journey through a fairy-tale forest or a futuristic voyage to distant galaxies, animations have the power to transcend the boundaries of reality.

By seamlessly integrating crafted spaces with dynamic animations, creators can evoke powerful emotions, spark curiosity, and provoke contemplation. The synergy between spatial design and animation enables the creation of immersive experiences that linger in the minds of the audience long after the journey ends.


to listen and watch 

Textur „Schwarzer Sand“

Experience tailored perfection today! Your dreams, our creation.